Enneagram Needed Childhood Messages

We all have a needed childhood message that we longed to hear growing up - maybe one we long to hear today. We can work towards our own growth and healing by learning to internalize this message.

Needed Childhood Messages

Type 1 - You are good

Type 2 - You are wanted

Type 3 - You are loved for yourself

Type 4 - You are seen for who you are

Type 5 - Your needs are not a problem

Type 6 - You are safe and secure

Type 7 - You will be taken care of

Type 8- You will not be betrayed

Type 9- Your presence matters

Actions for Growth Using the Needed Message for Each Type

Type 1 - Practice worthiness apart from your performance

Type 2 -Practice self-care

Type 3 - Saying no or prioritizing your needs

Type 4 - Do something that makes you feel most like you

Type 5 - Practice gratitude - about your identity and life in this season

Type 6 - Identify a personal need and make a plan to meet it.

Type 7 - Practice mindfulness - present to the present moment Affirm "This moment is enough. I am enough. I have enough."

Type 8 - Practice vulnerability with a trusted friend

Type 9 - Practice showing up or speaking up

I was recently invited on the Enneagram + Yoga podcast (@enneagram.yoga) to discuss The Needed Childhood Messages with Christy and Kat. It is a two-part conversation. You can download to listen on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

Kristen Moore


Kristen Moore Counseling LLC


Enneagram Unconscious Childhood Messages


Already Enough